Sunday, January 25, 2009

Uniball Vision Micro

This is noticeably cheaper than the Vision Elite at $6.49 for four. The clip is a simple piece of metal, with a bent over end to form the clip. While not as visually nice as the Vision Elite, it doesn't have the towel holder inside that will grab onto clothing.

The grip is smooth clear plastic, and the feed mechanism looks very similar to the Vision Elite. There isn't any provision for refills, so it's disposable. Posting the cap on the end it secure, but there isn't a stop on it, so you just push the cap on until it's snug.

Writing on this is pretty nice. It's getting so that all of the pens that I get leave a very nice, deep black line with instant starting and no globs or drips left behind.

Overall, it's an OK pen. I prefer the Vision Elite, which has a more comfortable grip, as well as looking nicer overall.


aynge said...

Ha! I have my figure holding my pen like this on my desk too! I also thought about doing a pen review blog, but I have so many the thought of it makes me shudder.

Anonymous said...

This pen is crappy. It is not "micro fine" and actually writes like a medium. $2.79 for 1 pen is sooo over priced.

Anonymous said...

This is my favorite pen